Vad är rätt?

I februari 2008 hade vi MO Service här som fick säkra upp vårt hus då huset inte klarade av den panna de hade installerat tidigare. Jag frågade innan de utförde arbetet vad det kom att kosta. Rikard på MO Service sa då äsch det ordnar sig, har du inga innerdörrar eller något jag kan få? Jag fick sedan en saftigfaktura från dem som jag givetvis chockades över. Jag kontaktade dem och sa att jag inte godtog denna faktura då jag inte var informerad om något som helst pris innan de gjorde arbetet utan endast med äsch det ordnar sig när jag frågade efter priset. De sa skicka tillbaka fakturan så ska vi korrigera den. I februari 2009 fick jag sedan en faktura som var samma summa. Jag kontaktade då MO Service igen och de skulle kika på ärendet igen då jag inte godtog fakturan. Sedan hörde jag inget igen förrns nu idag när jag får en faktura igen där de dragit av en timmes arbete, dvs 380:-. Hela fakturan på arbetet ligger alltså nu på 2245:-. Jag ringde dem igen och frågade vad de höll på med då det nu gått två år och det har tagit dem etthelt år varje gång att bara höra avsig till oss igen. Jag anser att fakturan bör slopas då de från början inte gav mig något pris utan bara sa äsch det ordnar sig. Vad har jag som konsument rätt till? Är det verkligen skälig tid att ta ett år på sig att höra av sig och det nu är två år sedan arbetet utfördes med prisförslaget äsch det ordnar sig?
Vad är egentligen rätt???

Yuck Yuck Yuck...

The stench of poop is lingering in our home, odour neutralisers are sprayed in the house....Atti managed to digout a poop diaper from the trash, massacre it totally....gross....
What is it with dogs and eating shit??
At least Flippa doesnt eat real shit, just all other sorts of shit...candy...everything left out, haha. Buti must say i prefer the cleanup after that...
The day has been uneventful yet busy :) Dropped of my car at the car dealer to have it serviced, then spent an hour doing nothing useful really before we could go back and pick it up :) Then home, pick up Dani from school, drop Dani off at home, go to the stable, go home and pick Dani up, go to the new stable to leave some of Nalles things.
Was nice at the new stable, cant wait til saturday when we move him, its gonna be so much fun with Maria there and us being able to help each other out, the kiddos playing and riding together :) YAY!
When i got back home i gotdinner started and just kinda died....i guess it was from being outside so much today and coming into the warmth of the house. Ive had a lingering headache all day though....
Thats all for now...

Happy valentines day my loved ones! :)

Happy valentines day to all my friends and family :) I love u all dearly and miss some of you enourmously...
Today it was my day to do the morning feeding of the horses and let them out so i was at the stable at 730 am. When they were all done eating i took em outside and then i cleaned Nalles box. Then i came home about 930 am. David cooked us a nice breakfast with scrambled eggs bacon and such goodies. Then time to do the chore that never fun...not...still doing it for that matter....
I went out to visit my friend in her stable (Which Nalle is moving to on satuday, yay!!) Mainly went there to put  abig hay thingie there.
Now im waiting for a message so that i can go meet Maria up at my stable so she can meet Nalle and i need to put out his food and take him inside. Then back here to have some coffee and gossip, hehe :)
As ive promised before here is a pick of David on Nalle, taken just as Nalle realized the other horses are getting their lunchhay and he wants his, haha :)
Mia :)

So much to do and so little time to do it...

That topic is sooo not true...we currently have all the time in te world. David lost his job over shitty things...dont even have the energy to go into reasons, if u want the detalis ask him, hehe. The whole deal is not over yet and its taking its toll on my anxiety. I worry over things so much and I dont know how to control my anxiety over things. My psychologist has had me start this online program that stretches over 12 weeks to learn how to cope with and control anxiety. I have ood faith in the program and i think that helps alot on the journey.
We moved Danielle down one step from 1st grade so now she goes with the kiddos her own age. She started to loose the joy of school and I dont want that to happen, so we sat down and talked about it, me and her. She made the decision to take a step back. I accept her decision because a kid in 1st grade should love going to school, not dread it. I dont care how good or bad she does in school (well not totally true but..) as long as she enjoys going to school.
We got a horse and I am loving every second of it and i believe the rest of the family does aswe.. Danielle is the only one that hasnt been up on him yet. David has riden him twice and he seems to enjoy it. We have gotten rid of two cats because they all wanted to cuddle so much tey never left me alone. We found good loving homes for them. We are hoping that my parents will try taking one of the two we have lefta fter they come home from Thailand. They leave on saturday and will be back in about 2,5 weeks. So we are gonna watch Atti for them while they are gone and go check on the house at least once a week.
Other than that im sure there has been alot going on but i cant think of itright now. All I can say is thankgod we have the insurances on our loans so now that David is unemployed they get paid by the insurance. I wish I could afford to give David the RHCE training but its just too expensive...I hope he can get back into the IT world even without it. IT-Resurs ( A consulting company) called me yesterday about a Linux job and i told them flat out that yes im interested but if they want someone that is more of an expert on Linux they want David instead so she had me tell him to email her his CV and then well see. I was in at Poolias office today (my employer) and helped them out with a bit of stuff. Always nice to meet them again although i miss Annika who has gone on maternity leave. I hope they will be able to help me find a new contract soon. Other than that me and david go at home and roll our thumbs...hehe, not true. We find stuff to do and David has some demolition work to do in the kitchen, so time will pass.
Thats all for now...

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